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Welcome to Northstaffs AllotmentsNetwork

The North Staffordshire Allotment Network (NSAN) has its roots in the old City Forum which represented the allotment sites and plot holders of City of Stoke on Trent. With the closure of the local branch of the National Society of Allotments and Leisure Gardeners last year, and a bit of ‘re-grouping’ on our part, we took on responsibility for some of their role and are now recognised by the National Society as the voice of allotment gardeners in North Staffordshire.


  • We work with the Local Authority to encourage investment and promote the development of the service.


  • Support plot holders and site secretaries though a monthly allotments ‘Problem Surgery’ in partnership with Stoke City Council


  • Support sites go self managed with advice and information


  • Run the Stoke City annual allotments competition


  • Attend events and shows to promote allotment gardening


  • Arrange local training courses and visits to other sites across the country


Can you help!

We require pictures to use on the allotments network stand which we take to shows and events. We would like pictures of produce grown or growing or plots or activities taking place on plots. 

If you have any you think we could use please contact us using link on this site or speak to jayne at one of the meetings.

Thank you 

please make sure you have the concent of plot owner and any people that may be in the image.

Please stay safe and follow social distancing while enjoying your allotments 
northstaffs allotments network

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